Welcome to MarinesConnect!
by the
Marine Corps
Business Network

We are a registered 501(c)(3) Nonprofit Organization Supporting Marines and Navy (FMF) Corpsmen who have transitioned to business owners, entrepreneurs and career-minded professionals by promoting commerce, sharing resources and building relationships, through networking events and social technology.
Build Relationships with Fellow Marines
It only makes sense that Marines stick together after the Corps. We all get jobs or start a business. We might as well do business together. We should be each other’s customers and we should refer business to one another
Generate Leads for your Business
A steady source of leads is the life-blood of most businesses. Use our extensive network to meet Marines who are looking for your products and services from around the country
Once you join our network, you can join our LinkedIN group where you’ll have access to thousands of members interested in doing business.
Business Directory
Every member is eligible to post their business on our business directory. This helps other members and local consumers find your products and services
Marines Connect
… and now, connect with our membership world-wide in real time with our own dedicated platform.